I always thought Marshall McLuhan's definition of charisma was funny and kind of true -- "Charisma means looking like a lot of other people". I always took that to mean, it's not about standing out or being unique, but being a mirror (ahem, paging Dr. Lacan ...) in which people see themselves.

I think Jacques Lacan would say that our desires are shaped by the desires of others and by the social structures and language that surround us - so maybe charisma is just some unconscious embodying of other's people's desires ... that we'll never ever attain!

Great piece, thank you for making my brain churn with your insight!

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Now that is going to be a fun entry to muse on until at least next week! The thing about charisma is not only analyzing what it is, but that despite much analysis it’s almost impossible to acquire, despite millions of humans working at aquiring it.

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In the immortal words of Justice Stewart (kinda): “I shall not today attempt further to define charisma; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it..."

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If attractiveness is external beauty, then maybe charisma is internal beauty. A way of seeing the world? Humor? Elegant use of language? Personal art?

I suppose charisma has its dark sides, too. Hiding inner demons? Coping with personal pain?

But if we are all on a collision course with death, maybe the attraction to charisma is that it helps us find more profound moments of beauty and grace.

Because in the end, "all graves go unattended."

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I love Didion’s writing but never saw this biography. Just picked it up from my local library so thanks. I read this for tennis insights, not book recommendations, so a lovely surprise!

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Nah Andrea, you're both. Charismatic and charming. When I met Brad Pitt (name drop) I asked him to pick out which of my toenails was fake (I was wearing a falsey cos it had come off in a pedicure). Unclear if that counts as charismatic or charming? He, however, was very charming about it. Not sure he remembered my name though. Bill would have obv.

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you got so close but you just had to bring in that damned toe nail 😔

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Is coming from the Greek, "to favor, a gift, grace". People with charisma have a gift and know how to use it, sometimes unfairly. Great stuff Andrea.

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Well, wrapping up a conversation with somebody who spent an entire day looking for you at a tennis tournament and then saying “nice to meet you, my name is Andrea” is charismatic as fuck, ngl.

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"Later I found out it actually required much less than that." Thanks for the laugh! So sad and yet so true.

I always thought the soured version of charisma is smarminess...

Great essay! Really dig these musings on theoretical/conceptual subjects. Brava!

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As a lifelong caterer, now in retirement of a sort different than yours (and more permanent), I had the luck to experience Clinton's charisma both first and second hand. He was already out of office for some time when I saw people giddily run across the street to hug him or shake his hand as he arrived for an event we were working. I experienced his coming back into our makeshift kitchen to shake all our hands and say, "Thank you." And my wife was there as he addressed a crowd at the University of Pennsylvania, the only speaker to talk without notes; she said it was mesmerizing, as if he was talking directly to you with no one else in the room. Charisma *is* a palpable thing but, as you say, one of those things we (so sadly) cannot buy. : (

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this is such great insight - thank you 🙏🏻

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I know you like watching Rune (great commentary on T2, btw) but he’s such an unlikeable person. Same with Fritz and other spoiled brats who try to act punk rock while they try to raise their images and brands. These guys have zero charm or charisma. I think sincerity and humility play large parts in a person’s likability. That’s why we love Roger, Rafa, and Serena. And that’s why politicians are so untrustworthy. They’ll smile at you while twisting a knife in your stomach (figuratively, of course).

I miss Juan Martin.

P.S. The Libertines have great charisma, too.

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I loved the Arctic Monkeys and a boy I liked in high school called me “pseudo music fan” - very toxic. Loved reading this article, I was at Wimbledon last year and I watched Novak play and I was standing there during the whole time thinking “holy shit, I’m meters away from a person who’s one of the best in what he does and I’m watching him do it”. It was honestly incredibly surreal

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who is he? let’s find him and bully him about his terrible taste in music like two teenagers!

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Joan Didion 'Sloughing Towards Bethlehem'. One of the most iconic photos of post-war American letters, and though she didn't have Brad Pitt around at all those Malibu parties she had a young Harrison Ford, still working as a carpenter and selling pot. So California!

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Charismatic, and charmingly droll.

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Great subject! Teachers can be charismatic: some use fear to get through to us and others use love. Yet, we are still drawn to them. California beckons.

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Well I think you are charismatic and I will never sleep with Brad Pitt. Also, I think you can find, or aready did, better. I loved Becker when I was a teen but that faded when I start to understand what he said.

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It's a funny coincidence that charisma was this weeks' topic. I've recently been asked what was it about you and your game that made me a fan over all other players and one of my answers was citing your charisma. There are certainly different levels and layers to charisma that could be analyzed to death but in your case part of it is that you're an instantly relatable, nice and down to earth person. I don't think you have to be one or the other, you can be charming and charismatic. Charisma is something that can't be compared person to person I believe, but if you were to come out of retirement tomorrow I'd gladly empty my savings account to be at your first tournament back. That's how charismatic you are. lol I do like the Artic Monkeys but right now I'm all about The Beaches. An amazing all female rock group from Toronto.

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